> Emergence & The Healing Process
Free Discussion & Demonstration
Wednesday, August 27, 7:00 p.m.
In our society, we hear a lot about illness. We're bombarded with information telling us we're sick, we're wrong, we're broken, we're lacking. And then we're told, usually by the same sources, that something external will fix us, make us right, make us whole again.
And the more we focus on what's wrong, the more we search outside ourselves for relief, the more we reinforce the physical and psychological armor that locks us into our patterns of illness.
But what if everything we need to be whole is already within us?
And what does it mean to really heal?
At this free event, we'll talk about the principles of Emergence Care, and how this work views illness and wellness from a very different perspective than other healing arts. We'll discuss how Emergence helps us let down the defenses that prevent us from accessing our own inherent healing abilities. I'll also give a live demonstration of the work.
This is a free event, and all are welcome. Participants will have the opportunity to schedule a complimentary Emergence session to experience the work for themselves.
The evening will include:
• An explanation of Emergence Care
• A live demonstration of the work
When: Wednesday, August 27
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Where: Center for Harmonic Emergence (Click for Map)
Price: FREE
RSVP: Space is limited. Please call (720) 295-7265 or email roy@roywilley.net to reserve your spot