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Voice Circle Chorus

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For registration and more information






> The Voice Circle Community Chorus

Do you love to sing? That's only requirement to join the Voice Circle Chorus. This is a singing community for anyone — regardless of ability or training — to experience the joy of making music in a group. The chorus is non-auditioned. All voices are welcome.

We learn and sing songs in the oral tradition, which means we learn by listening, without using sheet music. We create beautiful harmonies, and sing fun, beautiful songs from around the world. We play with our voices in a way that fosters relaxation, joy, and creative self-expression.

We meet weekly for a 6-week term. This commitment helps us learn songs deeply while strengthening our singing community. (Plus... committing to doing something weekly that makes us feel great is a powerful way to beat stress.)

The Voice Circle is a judgment-free zone. We're a supportive, place to explore singing, sound, and harmony in a safe, playful, and healing way.

Who should join? Experienced singers, returning singers, wannabe singers, closet singers, shower singers, car singers, karaoke singers, kirtan singers... anyone who wants to use their voice to feel better, create community, and have fun!


Questions? Please contact Roy Willey
by email at,
or by calling or texting (720) 295-7265